"Memorias Sinvergüenzas: Reclaiming Our Queer Memory"

07.03.2025 · 20:1521:45Uhr


  • Another Gaze Kino

Herriko Marikoia
© Imanol Salaberria
© Memorias Sinvergüenzas
© Memorias Sinvergüenzas
Logo Memorias Sinvergüenzas
© Memorias Sinvergüenzas

The short films presented here were part of the workshop "Memorias Sinvergüenzas: Reclaiming Our Queer Memory" held in July 2024 at Tabakalera, San Sebastián, Spain.

7 Short films will be presented at the We Won't Shut Up Festival, with a Question & Answer Session via Zoom with the Filmmakers* and the Director:

Languages: Spanish/ Basque with English Subtitels

1. Ensayos de cuerpos ausentes - Artist: Karen Plata IG: @karenplata_luna

2. Cuerpos - Artist: Evon Etxeberria IG: @evvonnx

3. Todos los barrios posibles - Artist: Matteo Giampetruzzi IG:@matteo_blanco_

4. Prejuicio Final - Artist: Maddi Hernaez IG: @madhersus

5. Soy una lesbiana de este país - Artist: Rocío Llambí IG: @rociollambi

6. Herriko Marikoiak - Artist: Imanol Salaberria IG: @margotscigarettes

7. Inkognita - Artist: Julen Gorosabel IG: @julen.gorosabel

Throughout history, the LGBTQIA+ community has faced a continuous struggle for recognition and equitable treatment. In official archives, their narratives have often been omitted or ignored, hindering access and connection between different generations within the community. "Memorias Sinvergüenzas: Reclaiming Our Queer Memory" offered a valuable opportunity to creatively reconnect with local queer history and shed light on this marginalized past.

"Memorias Sinvergüenzas" was a short film creation workshop organized by Tabakalera's audiovisual laboratory in collaboration with Elias Querejeta Zine Eskola and with support from the Basque Film Archive. Over two weeks, participants in “Memorias Sinvergüenzas: Creation Workshop | Reclaiming Our Queer Memory” edited their short films at Tabakalera's audiovisual laboratory facilities. Daily events included presentations, talks, screenings, excursions, and mentoring sessions aimed at building bridges between the historical queer memory of the Basque Country and younger generations of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The workshop was part of a master's final project in Film and Audiovisual Curation at Elias Querejeta Zine Eskola, led by Alejo Duclós. It was coordinated by Alejo Duclós, Isaac Tejedor Martín, and Luiza Rosado.

These short films premiered in September 2025 as part of the Ibero-American LGBTQIA+ Festivals Meeting during the 25th Sebastiane Award by Gehitu, within the Industry Area of the San Sebastián Film Festival.

Memorias Sinvergüenzas' director:

Alejo Duclós (Buenos Aires, 1998) is a filmmaker, producer, programmer, and film distributor. He holds a degree in Film Direction from the University of Cinema, graduating with his thesis "Transnationalism in Appropriation Films: What Will Summer Be." He has produced numerous short films and music videos in Argentina and Paraguay and has worked in guest management for festivals such as BAFICI, MDQFILMFEST, and FIBA. He was selected for Berlinale Talents Buenos Aires.

* Trigger warning:

This year, we want to give more than just a trigger warning - we want to create a space in which feelings can be captured. For films with trigger warnings, a contact person will be on site to accompany you during and after the film. They will be located near the back door of the Werkstattkino cinema and can accompany and support you outside if you wish.

Zoe is taking on this role this year.

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  • Zoe


    Emotionaler Support

    Zoe ist 29 Jahre alt und schließt dieses Jahr ihren Master in klinischer Psychologie und Psychotherapie an der LMU Münchenab. Neben ihrem Studium arbeitet sie für den Verein Münchner Freiwillige - WIR helfen e.V. und unterstützt bürgerliches Engagement in München. Zu Beginn des Angriffskriegs von Russland auf die Ukraine hat sie eine Notunterkunft für vulnerable Geflüchtete geleitet und die Menschen dort bei ihrer Suche nach Unterkunft sowie medizinischer und sozialdienstlicher Anbindung unterstützt und emotional begleitet. Neben ihrem beruflichen und ehrenamtlichen Engagement liebt sie das Kino und als Tochter von RegisseurInnen kennt sie sich gut in der Welt des Films aus und weiss um die intensiven Emotionen, die Filme in uns Menschen auslösen können. “Ich freue mich, bei another gaze als emotionale Unterstützerin dabei zu sein und meine Liebe für das Medium Film und für die emotionale Begleitung von Menschen bei diesem tollen Projekt miteinander verbinden zu können.”..

    Bildrechte: © Zoe

  • Alejo Duclós

    Director of Memorias Sinvergüenzas

    Alejo Duclós (Buenos Aires, 1998) is a filmmaker, producer, programmer, and film distributor. He holds a degree in Film Directionfrom the University of Cinema, graduating with his thesis "Transnationalism in Appropriation Films: What Will Summer Be." He has produced numerous short films and music videos in Argentina and Paraguay and has worked in guest management for festivals such as BAFICI, MDQFILMFEST, and FIBA. He was selected for Berlinale Talents Buenos Aires. In 2022-2023, he was awarded the Ibermedia Scholarship and completed a Master's in Curation at Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola in San Sebastián. In 2022, he produced "The Contraction of Waiting," a series of experimental short films in collaboration with the Teatro Colón of Buenos Aires, premiered during the "Fantasy and Abstraction" concerts. He co-organized the performance festival "Rhythm in the Arts Sessions" with the National University of the Arts in Buenos Aires and is part of APOCA, an artist collective that organizes performances and cultural events in Buenos Aires province, advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights. In 2023, he co-programmed the "ExÓrbita" series at Tabakalera (San Sebastián). He was selected for the Young Jury at the Punto de Vista Festival in Pamplona and interned in the Thought and Debate Area of the San Sebastián Film Festival, organizing the roundtable "Vestida de azul: Memory and Trans Activism at the 1983 Festival." In 2023, he premiered the short films: "Narciso" at the Asterisco Festival (Argentina); "Shameless Memories: Buenos Aires, 1979" at the DocsMx International Documentary Film Festival (Mexico); "Monster of My Desire" at the MUTA International Audiovisual Appropriation Film Festival (Peru). In 2024, he programmed the series "Shameless Memories of Latin America" at the Courtisane Festival in Belgium. He also worked as a pre-selector for short films in the Nest section of the San Sebastián Film Festival and as a distributor for Kimuak, a selection of Basque short films by Zineuskadi.